Am I going to get withdrawals when I stop? (JWH-122)

I've been smoking every evening for the last 3 weeks with a day off maybe 2 times but not for about 2 weeks.

Trying to take a break but I think I am psychologically hooked - by the evening I'm missing it.

The last week and a half I've gotten nauseous 3 times in the early afternoon and thrown up twice. Once may have been an accidental overdose of oxymetazoline nasal spray when the bottle failed but it's concerning that I'm getting randomly nauseous. So I do feel that I want to cut this stuff out and once I'm confident that I'm not going to get withdrawal, having gone a few days without using it, I'm going to destroy it. But for now it'd be a big help if anyone with experience could offer some insight into how likely it is that I might have withdrawals when I stop.


How long after last dose until it starts? 24hrs? Longer?

You were right. I went nearly 48 hours and then my skin started crawling like when I'm ni early opiod withdrawal. That really gross dirty feeling that makes you want to recoil whenever something touches your skin.


I smoked a little that night to test if it definitely was cannabinoid withdrawal. But I normally smoke up and then go back every 2 or 3 hours 2-4 times in a night. I just did it once that night. But then I noticed that I was just feeling sort of not great for most of the day.

Rather than stopping outright I'm just going to see how I feel and try to smoke a little bit less than the minimum at night. I'm hoping it would have been relatively mild if I'd stopped entirely and if I do it this way maybe I won't feel bad at all really.

Thanks. Bummer. Do you know what the minimum amount of use that can cause withdrawals is? Like with opiods it's usually about 3 consecutive days. With GBL I've had withdrawals after being high for 16 hours - 8 doses in a row. With benzos usually it would take a week or two IME.

What is it typically for cannabinoids? Using every night for a week? 2 weeks? 3 nights in a row? Spending all day stoned for 2 days?

I'd love to but if I was able to get weed I never would have bought this stuff. I'd been over half a year without any smoke and was having insane indica cravings that sent me out prowling city streets in a futile attempt to find a shitty street dealer and eventually caved and bought this crap.

My experience with an unknown cocktail blend of noids in spice was about like yours. Only smoked for a couple weeks, about once or twice a day in the beginning, gradually increasing dosage as my tolerance rose. Spent 10 days in withdrawal when I quit cold turkey and wound up in the hospital. The WDs brought no cravings for more of the drug (in fact thinking of it was sickening to me), so I was lucky in that sense, but it strongly affected my nervous system and mind.

If you have vacation or sick time at work, take it, bunk up with someone you trust, and ride it out. If JWH-122 WDs are similar to what I went through, it's going to feel like you'll never be right again, but with time you will. After the withdrawals stopped I had another week or two of "afterglow" effect where I actually felt pretty good but wasn't 100% cognitively. Eventually everything went back to normal. What got me through was just having a person there watching over me. If you don't have that option, I'd suggest swallowing your pride and getting clinical help. If you don't manage your sleep successfully, psychosis can set in and it's not pretty.

JWH-122 didn't cause any withdrawals in any of the folks I've talked to, but everyone is different.
