"Cbd" vape juice

I'm sure most of you know that a lot of the alleged cbd vape juices have synthetics cannabinoids in them. I know for a fact that organ rx does because I've tried it myself. Problem is it's sorta weak and only lasts about 20 mins tops. Can someone point me in the right direction of a "cbd" vape juice brand that is very strong and lasts longer. Thanks.
StashCBD's "Gold Drops" are probably the strongest on the market right now. Stupid pricey though.

so let me get this straight, you’re trying to buy laced e juice lol. why not just make your own? it’s a hell of a lot cheaper and you can make it however strong you want

Yeah because Idk how to do that and I don't wanna go ordering cannabinoids online I'm already on probation

It's not as simple as that..

No public domestic vendors sell straight noids atm. It's too high risk.

Maybe not domestic but vendors still sell straight powder.

Yeah do it, I do it by myself since 5 years
