My MDMA and Cannabinoid research

Hello, I've decided to make my researching public. I've done many private projects. I'd like to talk about those also. Right now it's Cannabinoid receptors and MDMA! Anyways don't wanna make this to long. Just wanna make it public for other options. -whatismind

Here we go: Cannabinoid receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system in our body. MDMA increases the shit of two(really more but what the fuck ever!) neurotransmitters which happened to the amazing couple dopamine and serotonin. I'm experimenting the affects of high cannabinoid usage and MDMA. I've dosed since before. Currently dosing a 2nd time. Will post updates here.

I've dosed since before

you literally can’t make up the tweaked out shit you find on here.

What are you actually trying to find out?

How high he can get. The wording is just to make himself feel official and fancy.
